Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where do the time go?

I'll tell ya, time is a fleeting thing! The scary thing is, I'm currently unemployed (with several applications submitted... I have to say that so that you don't think I'm being an irresponsible young man, y'know?), so you'd think I have lots of free time. But somehow I never seem to have any. And it's like, as soon as I sit down to do something, I notice the clock says, like, 11:10am. And then all of a sudden, it's like zhoooom! 5:30pm, time for dinner. Then after dinner I sit down to something else and zhooooom! 12:00am. So what the heck? You know? What goes on with time? I myself am personally convinced that it is some kind of terrorist attack. Or plot by the government. Someone is just sucking away our time. With a vaccuum cleaner. Of death.

If you have any extra time, please package it up and mail it to me. And while you're at it, send some Spring weather, too. Because the Cold here is death. Winter has outstayed its welcome. Quite-quite.

Ohp, see? Now suddenly it's 4:30 o' clock.


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